Join us for the Utrecht Plant Science and Industry Symposium (UPSIS) and celebrate the opening of the NPEC facility at Utrecht University.
The Utrecht plant research groups at Utrecht University invite you to the fourth edition of UPSIS, which will be held on 29 September 2023.
During the symposium we will present an overview of our main research topics and some recent in-depth examples of our world-class science. To discuss possibilities for translation of our fundamental research to application and to hear about the current challenges and problems in the plant industry, we aim to facilitate one-on-one discussions during our poster and networking session. These sessions will not only provide you with an excellent opportunity to meet with the Utrecht staff, but also with the Utrecht PhD candidates, MSc students and of course your industry colleagues.
Following the symposium, you are invited to celebrate the opening of the brand new Netherlands Plant Eco-phenotyping Centre (NPEC) facility at Utrecht University.
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